Study | Acquisition | Preprocessing | Model fitting | Registration | Notes |
Weiller et al. (1995) | Y (axial; field of view = 5.4 cm; perisylvian only) | Y | Y | Y | |
Belin et al. (1996) | Y (7 transaxial slices 12 mm apart) | Y | Y | Y | |
Ohyama et al. (1996) | N (91 mm field of view; coverage limitations not stated) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Heiss et al. (1997) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N/A | |
Karbe et al. (1998) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N/A | |
Cao et al. (1999) | Y (axial, perisylvian only) | Y | N (first level cross-correlation analysis unclear) | N/A | |
Heiss et al. (1999) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N/A | |
Kessler et al. (2000) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N/A | |
Rosen et al. (2000) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | 1 patient scanned on different PET scanner, and not scanned with fMRI; controls had different fMRI sequence to patients |
Blasi et al. (2002) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (not described) | |
Leff et al. (2002) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Blank et al. (2003) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Cardebat et al. (2003) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Sharp et al. (2004) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Zahn et al. (2004) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N/A | |
Crinion & Price (2005) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
de Boissezon et al. (2005) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed; minimal due to lesions being small and subcortical) | |
Connor et al. (2006) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Crinion et al. (2006) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Two different scanners used for patients, but not for controls |
Saur et al. (2006) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Meinzer et al. (2008) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Raboyeau et al. (2008) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Richter et al. (2008) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
de Boissezon et al. (2009) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Fridriksson et al. (2009) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Sparse sampling |
Menke et al. (2009) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Specht et al. (2009) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Warren et al. (2009) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Two different scanners used for patients, but not for controls |
Chau et al. (2010) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Fridriksson (2010) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Sparse sampling |
Fridriksson et al. (2010) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Sparse sampling |
Sharp et al. (2010) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Thompson et al. (2010) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Tyler et al. (2010) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Sparse sampling |
van Oers et al. (2010) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Breath holding scan also done to measure hemodynamic responsiveness |
Papoutsi et al. (2011) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N (lacks explanation of event durations) | Y | |
Sebastian & Kiran (2011) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N (only correct trials are included but it is not stated how incorrect trials were modeled; in general, it is not stated whether the control events were modeled at all) | Y | |
Szaflarski et al. (2011) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Tyler et al. (2011) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N (lacks explanation of event durations) | Y | |
Weiduschat et al. (2011) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Allendorfer et al. (2012) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N (no description of HRF model, which is important given sparse sampling design) | N (lesion impact not addressed) | Sparse sampling |
Fridriksson, Hubbard, et al. (2012) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N (not described clearly) | Y | Sparse sampling |
Fridriksson, Richardson, et al. (2012) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Sparse sampling; 26 patients were also scanned with arterial spin labelling |
Marcotte et al. (2012) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Schofield et al. (2012) | Y (mostly whole brain but convexity or cerebellum excluded in some participants) | Y | Y | Y | |
Wright et al. (2012) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Sparse sampling |
Szaflarski et al. (2013) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Thiel et al. (2013) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Abel et al. (2014) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Benjamin et al. (2014) | Y (whole brain) | N (not described) | N (not described clearly) | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Brownsett et al. (2014) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N* (consistent linear order of listening and repetition trials could make it difficult to disentangle hemodynamic responses to listening and repeating trials) | Y | Sparse sampling; different task structure in controls (two repetition trials per listening trial) raises concerns about comparisons between groups |
Mattioli et al. (2014) | N (unclear; number of slices not stated) | Y | N (model fitting of noise "bip" not clearly described) | Y | |
Mohr et al. (2014) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | Sparse sampling |
Robson et al. (2014) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Spin echo fMRI to minimize ATL dropout |
Szaflarski et al. (2014) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
van Hees et al. (2014) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | Slow event-related design; sparse sampling |
Abel et al. (2015) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Kiran et al. (2015) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Controls were run on two different sets of parameters, neither of which was the same as the patients |
Sandberg et al. (2015) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Geranmayeh et al. (2016) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Sparse sampling; mini-blocks of 2-4 trials |
Griffis et al. (2016) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Sims et al. (2016) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | No smoothing |
Darkow et al. (2017) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Sparse sampling |
Geranmayeh et al. (2017) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Sparse sampling; mini-blocks of 2-4 trials |
Griffis, Nenert, Allendorfer, & Szaflarski (2017) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Griffis, Nenert, Allendorfer, Vannest, et al. (2017) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Harvey et al. (2017) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Nardo et al. (2017) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Nenert et al. (2017) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Qiu et al. (2017) | Y (whole brain) | N (not described) | N (no description of model fitting) | N (not described) | |
Skipper-Kallal et al. (2017a) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N* (entire phases where picture was displayed modeled as covert and overt naming; difficult to separate phases due to timing) | Y | |
Skipper-Kallal et al. (2017b) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N* (not stated but see Skipper-Kallal et al. (2017b)) | Y | At each voxel, individuals with lesions to that voxel were excluded from analysis |
Dietz et al. (2018) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N (no description of HRF model, which is important given sparse sampling design) | N (lesion impact not addressed) | Additional methodological details in Dietz et al. (2016) |
Hallam et al. (2018) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Interleaved silent steady state imaging |
Nenert et al. (2018) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | Scanner identity appropriately included as covariate |
Pillay et al. (2018) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
Szaflarski et al. (2018) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | |
van de Sandt-Koenderman et al. (2018) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
van Oers et al. (2018) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Not all participants scanned at each time point; the number scanned at each time point is not stated |
Barbieri et al. (2019) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | 2 runs before treatment and 2 runs after treatment; each pair of runs took place on two separate days (1-7 days apart) |
Johnson et al. (2019) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N* (unclear whether there was sufficient resting data to allow the key contrast to be computed) | Y | |
Kristinsson et al. (2019) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | Y | Sparse sampling |
Purcell et al. (2019) | Y (cerebellum excluded) | Y | N* (not feasible to separate closely spaced instruction, word, and letter/response, especially when responses will be compared to rest) | Y | |
Sreedharan, Chandran, et al. (2019) | Y (whole brain) | Y | N* (event timing will make conditions difficult to disentangle) | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Hartwigsen et al. (2020) | Y (whole brain) | Y | Y | N (lesion impact not addressed) | |
Stockert et al. (2020) | N (whole brain; TE = 96 ms questionable) | Y | Y | Y |
Acquisition = Are the imaging acquisition parameters, including coverage, adequately described and appropriate?; Preprocessing = Is preprocessing and intrasubject coregistration adequately described and appropriate?; Model fitting = Is first level model fitting adequately described and appropriate?; Registration = Is intersubject normalization adequately described and appropriate?; ATL = anterior temporal lobe; fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging; HRF = hemodynamic response function; N = No; N/A = N/A—no intersubject normalization.; PET = positron emission tomography; Y = Yes; Yellow underline = minor limitation; Orange underline/* = moderate limitation.