Study | Scanner | Timing | Design type | Total images |
Weiller et al. (1995) | Y (CTI ECAT 953/15) | Y | PET | 6 |
Belin et al. (1996) | Y (CEA LETI-TTV03) | Y | PET | 4 |
Ohyama et al. (1996) | Y (Headtome IV tomograph) | Y | PET | 6 |
Heiss et al. (1997) | Y (Siemens ECAT EXACT HR) | Y | PET | 2 |
Karbe et al. (1998) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR) | N* (activation and control images not acquired on the same day; number of acquisitions not clearly described) | PET | 8 |
Cao et al. (1999) | Y (Magnex Scientific 3 Tesla) | Y | Block | 40 |
Heiss et al. (1999) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR) | Y | PET | 8 |
Kessler et al. (2000) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR) | Y | PET | 8 |
Rosen et al. (2000) | Y (Siemens 961 EXACT HR; Siemens Vision 1.5 Tesla) | N (fMRI timing description is inconsistent) | Mixed | PET: 10; fMRI: 384-768 |
Blasi et al. (2002) | Y (Siemens Vision 1.5 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 1024 |
Leff et al. (2002) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR++/966) | Y | PET | 16 |
Blank et al. (2003) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR++ (966)) | Y | PET | 15 (patients); 12 (controls) |
Cardebat et al. (2003) | Y (Siemens ECAT HR+) | Y | PET | 6 |
Sharp et al. (2004) | Y (Siemens HR++ 966) | Y | PET | 16 |
Zahn et al. (2004) | Y (Philips ACS NT Gyroscan 1.5 Tesla) | N* (insufficient blocks per experimental condition (3) because blocks were too long (44 s)) | Block | 198 |
Crinion & Price (2005) | N (Siemens 1.5 Tesla; model not stated) | N (the calculated duration of the stimuli, the calculated duration of the acquisitions, and the stated duration of the acquisitions yield three different numbers) | Block | 460 |
de Boissezon et al. (2005) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR+) | Y | PET | 6 |
Connor et al. (2006) | Y (Siemens Vision 1.5 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 1024 |
Crinion et al. (2006) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR++/966 (16 patients and all controls) or GE Advance (8 patients)) | Y | PET | 12-16 |
Saur et al. (2006) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 660 |
Meinzer et al. (2008) | Y (Philips Intera 1.5 Tesla) | Y | Block | 160 |
Raboyeau et al. (2008) | Y (Siemens ECAT HR+) | Y | PET | 6 |
Richter et al. (2008) | Y (Siemens Vision plus 1.5 Tesla) | N (minor discrepancies in description of timing) | Block | 134 |
de Boissezon et al. (2009) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR+) | Y | PET | 6 |
Fridriksson et al. (2009) | N (not stated) | N (timing of picture presentation not clearly explained) | Event-related | 120 |
Menke et al. (2009) | Y (Philips Intera 3 Tesla) | N (total images acquired not stated) | Event-related | Probably ~360, but not stated |
Specht et al. (2009) | Y (CTI-Siemens HR+) | Y | PET | 9 |
Warren et al. (2009) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR++/966 (10 patients and all controls) or GE Advance (6 patients)) | Y | PET | 12-16 |
Chau et al. (2010) | N (not stated) | N (inconsistent information regarding timing) | Block | 90? |
Fridriksson (2010) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N (timing of stimuli within the silent periods is unclear) | Event-related | 120 |
Fridriksson et al. (2010) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N (exact timing of picture presentation not specified) | Event-related | 120 |
Sharp et al. (2010) | Y (Siemens HR++ 966) | Y | PET | 16 |
Thompson et al. (2010) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N (total images acquired not stated) | Event-related | Not stated |
Tyler et al. (2010) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N* (there was only one block per condition per run, so condition could be confounded with low frequency drift; also, the length of the sentences is not stated so it is unclear how well the HRF peak aligns with the sparse acquisitions) | Block | 69 |
van Oers et al. (2010) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla) | Y | Block | 3036 |
Papoutsi et al. (2011) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N (length of stimuli not described) | Event-related | 1059 |
Sebastian & Kiran (2011) | N (GE 3 Tesla; model not stated) | N* (control events took place in the inter-trial interval between language events, and may have been systematically confounded in timing; the total number of functional images acquired is not stated) | Event-related | Not stated |
Szaflarski et al. (2011) | Y (Varian Unity INOVA 4 T) | N (timing not clear, because previous studies cited are not all identical in terms of timing) | Block | Not stated |
Tyler et al. (2011) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N (run length not stated; length of stimuli not described) | Event-related | Not stated but 1059 per Papoutsi et al. (2011) |
Weiduschat et al. (2011) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR) | Y | PET | 8 |
Allendorfer et al. (2012) | N (Phillips 3 Tesla; model not stated) | Y | Mixed | 435 |
Fridriksson, Hubbard, et al. (2012) | N (Siemens 3 Tesla; model not stated) | N* (it appears that each of the three conditions was presented in a separate run) | Event-related | 180? |
Fridriksson, Richardson, et al. (2012) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N (timing of stimuli within the silent periods is unclear) | Event-related | 120 |
Marcotte et al. (2012) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N (total images acquired not stated) | Event-related | Not stated |
Schofield et al. (2012) | Y (Siemens Sonata 1.5 Tesla) | Y | Block | 488 |
Wright et al. (2012) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N* (there was only one block per condition per run, so condition could be confounded with low frequency drift; also, the length of the sentences is not stated so it is unclear how well the HRF peak aligns with the sparse acquisitions) | Block | 69 |
Szaflarski et al. (2013) | N (Phillips 3 Tesla; model not stated) | Y | Block | 330 |
Thiel et al. (2013) | Y (CTI-Siemens ECAT EXACT HR) | Y | PET | 8 |
Abel et al. (2014) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla) | N* (trials too close together (~8 s) and insufficient jitter (1-3 s) for event-related design) | Event-related | 560 |
Benjamin et al. (2014) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla) | N (total images acquired not stated) | Event-related | Not stated |
Brownsett et al. (2014) | Y (Philips Intera 3 Tesla) | N* (timing of sentence presentation not described; sparse event-related design, but ITI of only 8 s and consistent linear order of listening and repetition trials could make it difficult to disentangle hemodynamic responses to listening and repeating trials) | Event-related | 168 (patients); 280 (controls) |
Mattioli et al. (2014) | Y (Siemens Avanto 1.5 Tesla) | N (timing of stimuli not clearly described) | Event-related | 504 |
Mohr et al. (2014) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 76 |
Robson et al. (2014) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla) | N* (each condition was acquired in a separate run, which is suboptimal) | Block | 417 |
Szaflarski et al. (2014) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla, except for 1 patient and 1 control on a Bruker 3 Tesla) | Y | Block | 165 |
van Hees et al. (2014) | Y (Bruker MedSpec 4 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 610 |
Abel et al. (2015) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla) | N* (trials too close together (~8 s) and insufficient jitter (1-3 s) for event-related design) | Event-related | 560 |
Kiran et al. (2015) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla) | N* (picture and scrambled conditions have different durations; ITI 2-4 s seems too short; total images acquired not stated) | Event-related | Not stated |
Sandberg et al. (2015) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla) | N* (total images acquired not stated; ITI of 1-3 s seems short) | Event-related | Not stated |
Geranmayeh et al. (2016) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 213 |
Griffis et al. (2016) | Y (Varian Unity INOVA 4 Tesla) | Y | Block | 140 |
Sims et al. (2016) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla) | N (total images acquired not stated) | Event-related | Not stated |
Darkow et al. (2017) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 100 |
Geranmayeh et al. (2017) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 213 |
Griffis, Nenert, Allendorfer, & Szaflarski (2017) | N (Siemens Allegra 3 Tesla or Philips 3 Tesla; model not stated) | Y | Block | 165 |
Griffis, Nenert, Allendorfer, Vannest, et al. (2017) | N (Siemens Allegra 3 Tesla or Philips 3 Tesla; model not stated) | Y | Block | 165 |
Harvey et al. (2017) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | Y | Block | 200 |
Nardo et al. (2017) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 696 |
Nenert et al. (2017) | N (Philips 3 Tesla or Siemens 3 Tesla; models not stated) | Y | Block | 600 |
Qiu et al. (2017) | Y (GE Signa 1.5 Tesla) | N* (only three pictures were named per 30-second block) | Block | 186 |
Skipper-Kallal et al. (2017a) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N* (total images acquired not stated; separation of adjacent events (covert and overt naming) will be limited because of the small amount of jitter in their timing (only 1500 ms)) | Event-related | ~450 but not stated |
Skipper-Kallal et al. (2017b) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla) | N* (total images acquired not stated; separation of adjacent events (covert and overt naming) will be limited because of the small amount of jitter in their timing (only 1500 ms)) | Event-related | ~450 but not stated |
Dietz et al. (2018) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 135 |
Hallam et al. (2018) | Y (GE Signa HDx 3 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 348 |
Nenert et al. (2018) | N (Philips 3 Tesla or Siemens 3 Tesla; models not stated) | Y | Block | 600 |
Pillay et al. (2018) | Y (GE Excite 3 Tesla) | N (precise timing of stimuli not stated; total images acquired not stated) | Event-related | Not stated |
Szaflarski et al. (2018) | Y (Siemens Allegra 3 Tesla) | Y | Block | 330 |
van de Sandt-Koenderman et al. (2018) | N (GE 3 Tesla; model not stated) | Y | Block | 132 |
van Oers et al. (2018) | Y (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla) | N* (stimulus presentation was self-paced, but the ITI is not reported, nor are the number of trials presented per condition; it is likely that the language and control blocks contained different numbers of trials) | Block | 1656 |
Barbieri et al. (2019) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla or Siemens Prisma 3 Tesla) | N* (stimulus timing described does not match stated duration of data acquisition; timing of language and control trials not matched) | Block | ~482 |
Johnson et al. (2019) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla, except for 2 patients on a Siemens Prisma 3 Tesla) | N* (total images not stated; short ITI and minimal jitter) | Event-related | Not stated |
Kristinsson et al. (2019) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla or Siemens Prisma 3 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 60 |
Purcell et al. (2019) | N (not stated) | Y | Event-related | 1232 (four runs distributed over two days) |
Sreedharan, Chandran, et al. (2019) | Y (Siemens Avanto 1.5 Tesla) | N* (picture naming events consistently located between blocks) | Mixed | Probably 964 |
Hartwigsen et al. (2020) | Y (Siemens Verio 3 Tesla) | N* (stimulus timing not described in detail; stated duration of data acquisition substantially outside possible range of duration of stimuli) | Block | 740 |
Stockert et al. (2020) | Y (Siemens Trio 3 Tesla or Siemens Verio 3 Tesla) | Y | Event-related | 660 (20 patients; paradigm 1) or 260 (14 patients; paradigm 2) |
Scanner = Is the scanner described?; Timing = Is the timing of stimulus presentation and image acquisition clearly described and appropriate?; Total images = Total images acquired; fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging; HRF = hemodynamic response function; ITI = inter-trial interval; N = No; PET = positron emission tomography; Y = Yes; Yellow underline = minor limitation; Orange underline/* = moderate limitation.