Study | Aphasia | Language evaluation | Aphasia severity | Aphasia type |
Weiller et al. (1995) | Comprehensive battery | AAT | Recovered; not aphasic per formal testing | Recovered, but all had moderate-severe Wernicke's aphasia in the subacute period |
Belin et al. (1996) | Severity and type | BDAE | Persistent severe non-fluent aphasia followed by marked improvement with MIT | 5 global, 2 Broca's |
Ohyama et al. (1996) | Comprehensive battery | WAB | AQ mean 74.3 ± 12.2, range 53.8-92.4 | 6 anomic, 4 atypical, 4 mild Broca's, 1 mild Wernicke's, 1 transcortical sensory; alternately: 10 fluent, 6 non-fluent |
Heiss et al. (1997) | Severity only | Verbal repetition, confrontation naming, oral and written comprehension, reading abilities, TT, phonemic fluency, clinical impression, family interview | T1: TT range 37-48; T2: TT range 3-39 (1 missing) | T1: 5 global, 1 Wernicke's; T2: not stated |
Karbe et al. (1998) | Severity and type | TT | T1: 9 severe; 2 mild; 1 not stated; TT range 3-47 errors; T2: not stated | T1: 8 global, 3 anomic, 1 Wernicke's; T2: not stated |
Cao et al. (1999) | Severity and type | ADP | ADPASS percentile range 73-99 | 3 anomic, 1 conduction, 1 recovered, 1 transcortical sensory |
Heiss et al. (1999) | Severity and type | AAT, phonemic fluency | T1: subcortical: TT median 8 errors, range 0-17 errors; frontal: TT median 21 errors, range 4-40 errors; temporal: TT median 39 errors, range 1-47 errors; T2: subcortical: TT median 1 error, range 0-14 errors; frontal: TT median 8 errors, range 0-34; temporal: TT median 34 errors, range 0-44 errors | T1: 6 Wernicke's, 5 Broca's, 5 residual aphasia, 4 anomic, 2 transcortical sensory, 1 conduction; T2: not stated |
Kessler et al. (2000) | Severity only | AAT | T1: piracetam group: TT 17.16 ± 14.31 errors; placebo group: TT 17.91 ± 15.47 errors; T2: piracetam group: TT 9.66 ± 12.62 errors; placebo group: TT 12.50 ± 16.88 errors | Not stated |
Rosen et al. (2000) | Severity and type | WAB (except BDAE in 1 patient), reading pseudowords, word stem completion, verb generation, reading single words | AQ range 74-97 (missing in 1 patient) | 3 anomic, 1 Broca's, 1 not stated, 1 recovered |
Blasi et al. (2002) | Comprehensive battery | WAB or BDAE | AQ range 66.5-89.0 in 6 participants, BDAE aphasia severity of 4 in 1 participant, no formal evaluation in 1 participant | 3 anomic, 3 transcortical motor, 1 Broca's, 1 not stated; most were Broca's or global acutely |
Leff et al. (2002) | Not at all | PPT (Dutch), British picture vocabulary scale, Action for Dysphasic Adults lexical decision battery, auditory maximal pairs (an offline phoneme discrimination test) | Not stated | Not stated, but all 6 patients with pSTS damage had single word comprehension deficits acutely |
Blank et al. (2003) | Type only | CAT, QPA | Not stated | POp+: 4 non-fluent but not agrammatic, 2 agrammatic, 1 recovered; POp-: 4 non-fluent but not agrammatic, 3 recovered |
Cardebat et al. (2003) | Not at all | Not stated | Not stated | T1: some prominent symptoms are listed for each patient; T2: not stated |
Sharp et al. (2004) | Severity only | Subtests from CAT, subtests from PALPA, Action for dysphasic adults, TROG, PPT | Mild | Not stated |
Zahn et al. (2004) | Comprehensive battery | AABT, AAT | TT percentile range 28-63 | 3 global, 2 Broca's, 2 unclassifiable; all had been global initially |
Crinion & Price (2005) | Comprehensive battery | CAT | Not stated | Not stated |
de Boissezon et al. (2005) | Type only | Montreal-Toulouse Aphasia Battery | Not stated | T1: 2 Broca's, 2 transcortical sensory, 1 anomic, 1 transcortical motor, 1 Wernicke's; T2: 4 recovered, 1 anomic, 1 transcortical motor; 1 transcortical sensory |
Connor et al. (2006) | Comprehensive battery | WAB or BDAE | AQ range 66.5-89.0 in 6 participants, BDAE aphasia severity of 4 in 1 participant, no formal evaluation in 1 participant | 3 anomic, 3 transcortical motor, 1 Broca's, 1 not stated; most were Broca's or global acutely |
Crinion et al. (2006) | Comprehensive battery | CAT (missing in two participants) | Not stated | Not stated |
Saur et al. (2006) | Comprehensive battery | AABT, AAT including TT, analysis of spontaneous speech, CETI, Language Recovery Score (LRS) derived from all these measures plus in-scanner task performance | T1: LRS mean 0.44, range 0.11-0.81; 1 mild, 1 mild-moderate, 7 moderate, 3 moderate-severe, 2 severe per AAT; T2: LRS mean 0.71, range 0.33-0.92; 2 recovered, 2 recovered-mild, 2 mild, 3 mild-moderate, 3 moderate, 2 severe per AAT; T3: LRS mean 0.91, range 0.66-1.00; 8 recovered, 2 recovered-mild, 3 mild, 1 moderate per AAT | T1: 9 non-fluent, 5 fluent; T2: not stated; T3: 6 recovered, 4 minimal language impairment, 3 anomic, 1 global |
Meinzer et al. (2008) | Comprehensive battery | AAT, study-specific picture naming test with 150 items | 6 moderate, 4 mild, 1 severe | 7 Broca's, 2 Wernicke's, 1 global, 1 unclassified |
Raboyeau et al. (2008) | Severity and type | Montreal-Toulouse Aphasia Battery | Mild (but had initially been severe) | 4 anomic, 3 conduction, 2 Broca's, 1 AoS |
Richter et al. (2008) | Comprehensive battery | AAT, two subtests of ANELT | TT range 5-50 | 7 anomic, 7 Broca's, 2 global; it was an inclusion criterion that the main deficits were in production |
de Boissezon et al. (2009) | Comprehensive battery | Montreal-Toulouse Aphasia Battery | Not stated | T1: 3 transcortical motor, 2 anomic, 2 Broca's, 2 transcortical sensory, 2 Wernicke's, 1 conduction, 1 agrammatic; T2: not stated |
Fridriksson et al. (2009) | Comprehensive battery | WAB; BNT | AQ range 31.8-91.5 | 6 anomic, 4 Broca's, 1 transcortical motor; alternatively: 6 fluent, 5 non-fluent |
Menke et al. (2009) | Comprehensive battery | AAT | 6 moderate-severe, 2 severe | 7 Broca's, 1 global |
Specht et al. (2009) | Comprehensive battery | AAT | Not stated | 3 global, 3 Wernicke's, 2 amnestic, 2 Broca's, 2 unclassified |
Warren et al. (2009) | Not at all | CAT, TROG | Not stated | Not stated |
Chau et al. (2010) | Severity only | Cantonese Aphasia Battery (modified WAB) | 5 patients had AQ > 75, 2 had AQ < 30 | Not stated |
Fridriksson (2010) | Severity and type | WAB | AQ mean 60.4 ± 25.6 (including excluded patients) | 11 anomic, 10 Broca's, 3 conduction, 1 transcortical motor, 1 Wernicke's (including excluded patients) |
Fridriksson et al. (2010) | Severity and type | WAB | AQ mean 77.1, range 47.1-93.7 | 10 anomic, 3 Broca's, 2 conduction |
Sharp et al. (2010) | Severity only | Subtests from CAT, subtests from PALPA, Action for dysphasic adults, TROG, PPT | Mild | Not stated |
Thompson et al. (2010) | Comprehensive battery | WAB, NAVS, narrative language sample | AQ range 66.8-85.0 | All agrammatic; per WAB scores provided: 3 Broca's, 3 unclassified |
Tyler et al. (2010) | Not at all | Sentence-picture matching, lexical decision, phonological similarity, word repetition, sentence repetition, morphological similarity, semantic categorization, sentence acceptability | Not stated | Not stated |
van Oers et al. (2010) | Comprehensive battery | AAT, BNT, TT | 4 moderate, 4 severe, 3 recovered, 2 mild; all had aphasia initially | 5 anomic, 4 Broca's, 3 recovered, 1 Wernicke's |
Papoutsi et al. (2011) | Not at all | Sentence-picture matching, grammaticality judgment, lexical decision, phonological discrimination, semantic categorization, sentence repetition, word repetition | Not stated | Not stated |
Sebastian & Kiran (2011) | Comprehensive battery | WAB, BNT, portions of PALPA, PPT, CLQT | AQ range 74.0-97.8 | 6 anomic, 2 recovered |
Szaflarski et al. (2011) | Severity and type | BNT; phonemic fluency, semantic fluency, complex ideation from BDAE, PPVT, communicative activities log | Moderate | 4 Broca's, 3 anomic, 1 anomic/conduction |
Tyler et al. (2011) | Not at all | Sentence-picture matching, grammaticality judgment, lexical decision, phonological discrimination, semantic categorization, sentence repetition, word repetition | Not stated | Not stated |
Weiduschat et al. (2011) | Type only | AAT | T1: TT range 0-45 errors; T2: TT range 0-44 errors | T1: 5 Wernicke's, 2 Broca's, 2 global, 1 amnestic fluent; T2: not stated |
Allendorfer et al. (2012) | Severity and type | TT, PPVT, BNT, semantic and phonemic fluency, complex ideation subtest of BDAE | Moderate-severe; TT mean 25.5 ± 11.3; unclear how to reconcile moderate-severe severity with mostly anomic aphasia | Mostly anomic with some non-fluent |
Fridriksson, Hubbard, et al. (2012) | Comprehensive battery | WAB, BNT, AoS from ABA | AQ mean 48.5 ± 20.6, range 20.9-73.5 | Broca's |
Fridriksson, Richardson, et al. (2012) | Severity and type | WAB | AQ mean 57.9 ± 25.8, range 17.2-95.2 | 13 Broca's, 10 anomic, 3 conduction, 2 Wernicke's, 1 global, 1 transcortical motor |
Marcotte et al. (2012) | Comprehensive battery | Montreal-Toulouse Aphasia Battery, picture naming | Moderate-severe | 7 Broca's, 1 Broca's + AoS, 1 Wernicke's + AoS |
Schofield et al. (2012) | Severity only | CAT | 11 patients (plus one excluded) had moderate comprehension impairments, 9 had severe comprehension impairments; this distribution was bimodal | Not stated |
Wright et al. (2012) | Not at all | Sentence-picture matching | Not stated | Not stated |
Szaflarski et al. (2013) | Severity only | TT, BNT, semantic fluency, phonemic fluency, PPVT, complex ideation subtest of BDAE | Recovered: TT mean 43 ± 1, ≥ 41; non-recovered: TT mean 23 ± 12, < 41 | Not stated |
Thiel et al. (2013) | Severity and type | AAT | T1: rTMS group: AAT sum of scores mean 251.5 ± 32.4; sham group: mean 251.1 ± 39.5; T2 not stated | T1: rTMS group: 7 Wernicke's, 3 amnestic, 2 global, 1 Broca's; sham group: 5 Wernicke's, 3 Broca's, 2 global, 1 amnestic; T2: not stated |
Abel et al. (2014) | Type only | AAT | Not stated | 8 Broca's, 3 Wernicke's, 1 fluent non-classifiable, 1 global, 1 transcortical sensory |
Benjamin et al. (2014) | Severity and type | WAB, BNT, PPVT | Intention group: AQ mean 65.5 ± 8.3; control group: AQ mean 71.9 ± 11.9 | Intention group: 4 conduction, 2 Broca's, 1 anomic; control group: 4 anomic, 1 Broca's, 1 conduction, 1 transcortical motor |
Brownsett et al. (2014) | Not at all | Not stated | Not stated | Not stated, but all had auditory comprehension and repetition deficits, and all could at least attempt to repeat |
Mattioli et al. (2014) | Comprehensive battery | AAT, TT | T1: TT range 2-45; T2: TT range 6-48; T3: TT range 21-48 | T1: 8 Broca's, 3 anomic, 1 Wernicke's; T2: not stated |
Mohr et al. (2014) | Severity only | BDAE, TT | Mild-moderate; T1: TT range 15-49 errors (including 2 excluded patients) | Not stated |
Robson et al. (2014) | Comprehensive battery | BDAE, PPT, word-to-picture matching test from Cambridge Semantic Battery, single word reading aloud from PALPA | BDAE comprehension range 6-26 (out of 32); BDAE comprehension scores and percentiles do not seem entirely commensurate | All Wernicke's |
Szaflarski et al. (2014) | Not at all | Not stated | "complete or almost complete" recovery in a "substantial proportion" of the patients | Not stated |
van Hees et al. (2014) | Comprehensive battery | WAB, BNT, PPT, CAT, picture naming from International Picture Naming Project Database | AQ range 57.3-91.6; 5 mild, 2 moderate, 1 mild-moderate | 6 anomic, 2 conduction |
Abel et al. (2015) | Type only | AAT | Not stated | 8 Broca's, 3 Wernicke's, 1 fluent non-classifiable, 1 global, 1 transcortical sensory |
Kiran et al. (2015) | Severity only | WAB, BNT, PPT, CLQT | AQ range 48.0-97.2 | Not stated |
Sandberg et al. (2015) | Comprehensive battery | WAB, BNT, subtests from PALPA, PPT, CLQT | AQ range 41.7-99.2 | 6 anomic, 2 conduction, 1 Broca's, 1 transcortical motor |
Geranmayeh et al. (2016) | Comprehensive battery | CAT, QPA | "relatively mild stroke"; 17 patients were so mild that they were not aphasic per the CAT | Not stated |
Griffis et al. (2016) | Severity and type | BNT; phonemic fluency, semantic fluency, complex ideation from BDAE, PPVT, communicative activities log | Moderate | 4 Broca's, 3 anomic, 1 anomic/conduction |
Sims et al. (2016) | Severity and type | WAB, BNT, PPT, CLQT | AQ range 48.0-99.2 | 4 anomic, 2 Broca's, 2 conduction, 2 transcortical motor, 1 anomic or transcortical motor, 1 Broca's or conduction, 1 "N/A", 1 Wernicke's or conduction |
Darkow et al. (2017) | Comprehensive battery | AAT | Mild | Not stated |
Geranmayeh et al. (2017) | Not at all | CAT, QPA | Not stated | Not stated |
Griffis, Nenert, Allendorfer, & Szaflarski (2017) | Not at all | BNT, semantic fluency, phonemic fluency | Not stated | Not stated |
Griffis, Nenert, Allendorfer, Vannest, et al. (2017) | Not at all | BNT, semantic fluency, phonemic fluency | Not stated | Not stated |
Harvey et al. (2017) | Comprehensive battery | BDAE, BNT | Mild-moderate | All non-fluent |
Nardo et al. (2017) | Not at all | BNT, one CAT subtest, two PALPA subtests | Not stated | Not stated |
Nenert et al. (2017) | Severity only | TT, PPVT, BNT, semantic fluency, phonemic fluency, communicative activities log | 6 mild (2 control, 4 CIAT); 5 moderate (3 control, 2 CIAT); 8 severe (3 control, 5 CIAT) | Not stated |
Qiu et al. (2017) | Severity and type | WAB | Moderate-severe | All Broca's |
Skipper-Kallal et al. (2017a) | Comprehensive battery | WAB, PNT | AQ mean 77.7 ± 21.0, range 22.8-99.2 | 21 anomic, 7 Broca's, 3 conduction, 1 transcortical sensory |
Skipper-Kallal et al. (2017b) | Comprehensive battery | WAB, PNT | Not stated | 23 anomic, 11 Broca's, 3 conduction, 1 transcortical sensory, 1 Wernicke's |
Dietz et al. (2018) | Severity and type | WAB, Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia | AAC group: AQ range 37.6-82.4; usual care group: AQ range 36.7-89.2 | AAC group: 2 Broca's, 1 anomic, 1 conduction, 1 global, 1 Wernicke's; usual care group: 2 anomic, 2 Broca's, 1 conduction, 1 Wernicke's |
Hallam et al. (2018) | Comprehensive battery | Cambridge semantic battery, three additional semantic tasks, connected speech words per minute, repetition from PALPA | Not stated | 6 anomic, 2 Broca's, 2 global, 2 transcortical sensory, 1 mixed transcortical, 1 not stated |
Nenert et al. (2018) | Not at all | PPVT, BNT, phonemic fluency, semantic fluency, complex ideation subtest of BDAE | Not stated for study timepoints, but on admission, aphasia severity was assessed with the TT: 2 no aphasia per cutoff but clinical impression of aphasia, 5 mild, 6 moderate, 4 severe | Not stated |
Pillay et al. (2018) | Not at all | Pseudoword rhyme matching, semantic picture matching (similar to PPT-P), picture naming | Not stated | Not stated |
Szaflarski et al. (2018) | Comprehensive battery | WAB, BNT, semantic fluency, phonemic fluency | AQ range 10.4-94.6 | 8 anomic, 2 Broca's, 1 conduction, 1 global |
van de Sandt-Koenderman et al. (2018) | Comprehensive battery | AAT, ANELT | T1: subacute: ASRS median 1, range 0-2; ANELT range 10-29; chronic: ASRS median 1.5, range 1-2; ANELT range 20-29; T2: subacute: ASRS range 1-3; ANELT range 10-43; chronic: ASRS range 1-2; ANELT range 22-31 | T1: all severe non-fluent; T2: not stated |
van Oers et al. (2018) | Comprehensive battery | AAT, BNT | T1: 8 moderate, 2 severe, 2 not stated; T2: 4 moderate, 3 recovered, 2 not stated, 1 mild, 1 severe | T1: 6 Broca's, 3 anomic, 2 Wernicke's, 1 global; T2: 4 anomic, 3 recovered, 2 Broca's, 1 unclassified, 1 Wernicke's |
Barbieri et al. (2019) | Comprehensive battery | WAB, Northwestern Assessment of Verbs and Sentences (NAVS), Northwestern Naming Battery (NNB), analysis of spontaneous speech (Cinderella story) using Northwestern Narrative Language Analysis (NNLA) protocol | AQ range 52.8-91.7 | Not stated, except that "language deficits were consistent with nonfluent aphasia and agrammatism" |
Johnson et al. (2019) | Severity only | WAB, BNT, PPT | Treated group: AQ mean 60.1 ± 24.0, range 11.7-95.2; untreated group: AQ mean 65.8 ± 24.6, range 26.9-91.5 | Not stated |
Kristinsson et al. (2019) | Severity and type | WAB, PNT, PPT | Typical BDNF genotype group: AQ mean 64.2 ± 20.3; atypical BDNF genotype group: AQ mean 54.3 ± 21.0 | Typical BDNF genotype group: 25 Broca's, 12 anomic, 11 conduction, 2 transcortical motor aphasia, 2 Wernicke's, 1 global; atypical BDNF genotype group: 16 Broca's, 6 anomic, 6 conduction, 3 global, 3 Wernicke's |
Purcell et al. (2019) | Comprehensive battery | Spelling (PALPA 40 and 54, and other word lists), oral reading (PALPA 35), reading comprehension (PALPA 51), spoken word-picture matching and picture naming tests from Northwestern Naming Battery, PPT-P; note no generic aphasia battery, but fairly complete coverage of language domains | Spelling of untrained items range 51%-94% | 4 orthographic working memory deficit, 8 orthographic long-term memory deficit, 9 both types of deficit |
Sreedharan, Chandran, et al. (2019) | Severity only | WAB translated into Malayalam | AQ range approximately 50-80 | Broca's or anomic |
Hartwigsen et al. (2020) | Not at all | AAT | 7 mild residual aphasia, 5 recovered | Not stated |
Stockert et al. (2020) | Severity only | AAT including TT, comprehension composite (LRScomp) and production composite (LRSprod) were derived | Frontal group: T1 acute: LRScomp mean 0.48 ± 0.26; T2 subacute: LRScomp mean 0.64 ± 0.21; T3 chronic: LRScomp mean 0.91 ± 0.07; temporo-parietal group: T1 acute: LRScomp mean 0.63 ± 0.32; T2 subacute: LRScomp mean 0.79 ± 0.20; T3 chronic: LRScomp mean 0.91 ± 0.13 | Not stated |
Aphasia [column] = To what extent is the nature of aphasia characterized?; AABT = Aachen Aphasia Bedside Test; AAT = Aachen Aphasia Test; ABA = Apraxia Battery for Adults; ADP = Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles; ADPASS = Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles Aphasia Severity Score; ANELT = Amsterdam-Nijmegen Everyday Language Test; AoS = apraxia of speech; AQ = aphasia quotient; ASRS = Aphasia Severity Rating Scale; BDAE = Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination; BNT = Boston Naming Test; CAT = Comprehensive Aphasia Test; CETI = Communicative Effectiveness Index; CIAT = constraint-induced aphasia therapy; CLQT = Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test; LRS = Language Recovery Score; MIT = melodic intonation therapy; NAVS = Northwestern Assessment of Verbs and Sentences; PALPA = Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing in Aphasia; PNT = Philadelphia Naming Test; POp+ = pars opercularis damaged; POp- = pars opercularis spared; PPT = Pyramids and Palm Trees; PPVT = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; pSTS = posterior superior temporal sulcus; QPA = Quantitative Production Analysis; rTMS = repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; T1, T2, etc. = first time point, second time point, etc.; TROG = Test for Reception of Grammar; TT = Token Test; WAB = Western Aphasia Battery; Yellow underline = minor limitation; Orange underline = moderate limitation.