Language Neuroscience Laboratory


Adaptive Language Mapping
A MATLAB toolbox that implements an adaptive semantic matching paradigm for reliable and valid language mapping in individuals with aphasia, as well as those without language impairments.

Aphasia Neuroplasticity Review
A systematic review and meta-analysis of functional imaging studies of reorganization of language processing.

Aphasia Recovery Project
A longitudinal observation study of recovery from aphasia after stroke, supported by NIDCD.

A system for auditory-perceptual rating of connected speech in aphasia. Twenty-seven features of connected speech, representing many types of disruptions and abnormalities that are commonly observed in connected speech in aphasia, are each scored on a five-point scale.

The Language Neuroscience Podcast
A podcast about the scientific study of language and the brain.

Quick Aphasia Battery (QAB)
An open access, validated aphasia battery that aims to provide a reliable and multidimensional assessment of language function in about a quarter of an hour.

Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping (VLSM)
A MATLAB toolbox for evaluating statistical relationships between damage to specific brain regions and resulting deficits.