Aphasia Neuroplasticity Review

Sandberg et al. (2015)


AuthorsSandberg CW, Bohland JW, Kiran S
TitleChanges in functional connectivity related to direct training and generalization effects of a word finding treatment in chronic aphasia
ReferenceBrain Lang 2015; 150: 103-116


LanguageUS English
Inclusion criteria
Number of individuals with aphasia10
Number of control participants0
Were any of the participants included in any previous studies?No
Is age reported for patients and controls, and matched?Yes (mean 59 years, range 47-75 years)
Is sex reported for patients and controls, and matched?Yes (males: 7; females: 3)
Is handedness reported for patients and controls, and matched?Yes (right: 10; left: 0)
Is time post stroke onset reported and appropriate to the study design?Yes (range 7-134 months)
To what extent is the nature of aphasia characterized?Comprehensive battery
Language evaluationWAB, BNT, subtests from PALPA, PPT, CLQT
Aphasia severityAQ range 41.7-99.2
Aphasia type6 anomic, 2 conduction, 1 Broca's, 1 transcortical motor
First stroke only?Not stated
Stroke typeNot stated
To what extent is the lesion distribution characterized?Lesion overlay
Lesion extentRange 0.3-256.0 cc
Lesion locationL MCA
Participants notes


Is the study cross-sectional or longitudinal?Longitudinal—chronic treatment
If longitudinal, at what time point(s) were imaging data acquired?T1: pre-treatment/chronic; T2: post-treatment, up to 10 weeks later
If longitudinal, was there any intervention between the time points?Semantic feature-based treatment, 2 hours/day, 2 days/week, up to 10 weeks (depending on when criterion reached)
Is the scanner described?Yes (Philips Achieva 3 Tesla)
Is the timing of stimulus presentation and image acquisition clearly described and appropriate?No* (moderate limitation) (total images acquired not stated; ITI of 1-3 s seems short)
Design typeEvent-related
Total images acquirednot stated
Are the imaging acquisition parameters, including coverage, adequately described and appropriate?Yes (whole brain)
Is preprocessing and intrasubject coregistration adequately described and appropriate?Yes
Is first level model fitting adequately described and appropriate?Yes
Is intersubject normalization adequately described and appropriate?Yes
Imaging notes


Are the conditions clearly described?Yes
ConditionResponse typeRepetitionsAll groups could do?All individuals could do?
concreteness judgment (abstract words)Button press60YesNo
concreteness judgment (concrete words)Button press60YesYes
letter string judgmentButton press60UnknownUnknown
restNoneimplicit baselineN/AN/A
Conditions notes2 patients below chance on abstract words per supplementary table 2


Are the contrasts clearly described?No (see specific limitation(s) below)

Contrast 1: concreteness judgment (abstract words, correct trials) vs rest

Language conditionConcreteness judgment (abstract words, correct trials)
Control conditionRest
Are the conditions matched for visual demands?No
Are the conditions matched for auditory demands?Yes
Are the conditions matched for motor demands?No
Are the conditions matched for cognitive/executive demands?No
Is accuracy matched between the language and control tasks for all relevant groups?N/A, tasks not comparable
Is reaction time matched between the language and control tasks for all relevant groups?N/A, tasks not comparable
Behavioral data notes
Are control data reported in this paper or another that is referenced?No
Does the contrast selectively activate plausible relevant language regions in the control group?Unknown
Are activations lateralized in the control data?Unknown
Control activation notes
Contrast notesThe concreteness judgment task was compared to the letter string judgment task to define ROIs for connectivity analysis, but the group analysis meeting criteria for this review appears to be based only on comparisons between time points on the concreteness judgment conditions

Contrast 2: concreteness judgment (concrete words, correct trials) vs rest

Language conditionConcreteness judgment (concrete words, correct trials)
Control conditionRest
Are the conditions matched for visual demands?No
Are the conditions matched for auditory demands?Yes
Are the conditions matched for motor demands?No
Are the conditions matched for cognitive/executive demands?No
Is accuracy matched between the language and control tasks for all relevant groups?N/A, tasks not comparable
Is reaction time matched between the language and control tasks for all relevant groups?N/A, tasks not comparable
Behavioral data notes
Are control data reported in this paper or another that is referenced?No
Does the contrast selectively activate plausible relevant language regions in the control group?Unknown
Are activations lateralized in the control data?Unknown
Control activation notes
Contrast notesThe concreteness judgment task was compared to the letter string judgment task to define ROIs for connectivity analysis, but the group analysis meeting criteria for this review appears to be based only on comparisons between time points on the concreteness judgment conditions


Are the analyses clearly described?No** (major limitation) (see specific limitation(s) below)

Voxelwise analysis 1

First level contrastConcreteness judgment (abstract words, correct trials) vs rest
Analysis classLongitudinal change in aphasia
Group(s)Aphasia with response to treatment (n = 9) T2 vs T1
Is the second level contrast valid in terms of the group(s), time point(s), and measures involved?Yes
Is accuracy matched across the second level contrast?Yes, matched
Is reaction time matched across the second level contrast?Yes, matched
Behavioral data notes
Type of analysisVoxelwise
Search volumeWhole brain
Correction for multiple comparisonsNo correction
Voxelwise p.001
Cluster extentNone
Statistical detailsImages show peaks instead of activations
Findings↑ L IFG pars opercularis
↑ L dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
↑ L SMA/medial prefrontal
↑ L inferior parietal lobule
↑ L supramarginal gyrus
↑ L angular gyrus
↑ L precuneus
↑ L posterior inferior temporal gyrus/fusiform gyrus
↑ L posterior cingulate
↑ L basal ganglia
↑ R orbitofrontal
↑ R supramarginal gyrus
↑ R angular gyrus
↑ R anterior temporal
↑ R occipital
Findings notes

Voxelwise analysis 2

First level contrastConcreteness judgment (concrete words, correct trials) vs rest
Analysis classLongitudinal change in aphasia
Group(s)Aphasia with generalization of treatment effects to concrete words (n = 7) T2 vs T1
Is the second level contrast valid in terms of the group(s), time point(s), and measures involved?Yes
Is accuracy matched across the second level contrast?Yes, matched
Is reaction time matched across the second level contrast?Yes, matched
Behavioral data notes
Type of analysisVoxelwise
Search volumeWhole brain
Correction for multiple comparisonsNo correction
Voxelwise p.001
Cluster extentNone
Statistical detailsImages show peaks instead of activations
Findings↑ L insula
↑ L inferior parietal lobule
↑ L supramarginal gyrus
↑ L precuneus
↑ L occipital
↑ R dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
↑ R ventral precentral/inferior frontal junction
↑ R posterior STG
↑ R posterior cingulate
Findings notes


Excluded analysesConnectivity analyses due to degree of complexity, which precluded assessment